- Emily Di Zhang;Chunhong Liu;Shulin Yu;
Given that digital multimodal composing(DMC) has received increasing attention from researchers and teaching practitioners in second language(L2) learning contexts, this study employed the scoping review method and explored the overall landscape of the current scholarship on L2 DMC. Following a constant comparison approach, we found three themes from the literature:(1) the “learning” of DMC;(2) the “teaching” of DMC;(3) the “assessing” of DMC. Discussion on the thematical and methodological issues in the current DMC research was presented, and directions for future research were discussed. This review could deepen our understanding of L2 DMC by sketching out what and how current research has found about DMC, and it also illustrates the learning and teaching affordances embedded in DMC practices.
2023年02期 1-17页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 498K] - Li ZHANG;Yachao SUN;Ruiyun SUN;
This review explores the increasingly popular concept of translingual practice within English as an Additional Language(EAL) writing education. While translingual practice has been advocated for promoting linguistic and cultural diversity and encouraging writer agency, it also raises concerns related to theoretical understandings, ideological acceptance, and pedagogical implications. Confusion between translingual and L2 writing, resistance to dominant language norms, and potential negative impacts on students' academic success have all been highlighted as key issues. Through a critical examination of these benefits and concerns, this review emphasizes the need for further refinement of translingual pedagogies and more empirical research on their effectiveness. Recognizing these issues can contribute to a more inclusive and equitable approach to writing instruction that values the linguistic and cultural diversity of all students.
2023年02期 18-34页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 366K] - 胡萍萍;王雨钦;
文章以国内2013—2022年间中国知网(CNKI)数据库中有关二语写作焦虑研究的中文期刊文献为数据来源,利用文献计量分析法梳理国内二语写作焦虑研究的基本情况,并运用Cite Space信息可视化技术绘制二语写作焦虑研究的相关科学知识图谱。研究结果表明,近十年国内二语写作焦虑研究发文量呈现“M”形状的波动态势,仍有较大发展空间;核心文献的研究机构集中在师范类本科院校;研究的核心领域主要包括写作教学、写作能力、写作成绩、教师反馈及焦虑表现等;未来研究需进一步改进核心研究主体未成形、研究对象分布欠均衡和研究内容多元性不足的问题。
2023年02期 35-47+140页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 1123K]